Kageshwori Manohara-9 Gothatar, Kathmandu 014993390/4990260 info@darshana.edu.np


Message From Principal.

Human life, in every aspect, has always witnessed and experienced change, ever since it came into existence. The same change has compelled the inhabitants to look for something that could not only guarantee existence but also enable them to escalate human influence, making them the rulers of the world.

There are a number of factors responsible for transforming early Homo Sapiens into other evolutionary stages and eventually to the present State of the Art era. In other words, change is inevitable and often lucrative, at least in modelling and shaping-up calibre. 

Considering the above mentioned facts, we at Darshana, boil the ocean to enhance and transcend the modern approach of learning/teaching to our students so as to make them competent and insightful. It’s not easy to embrace something that is alien; especially when the change occurs at a greater pace than you imagine. It’s like nose to the grindstone as rightly stated by Mr. Mandela “Everything looks impossible until it is done.”   However, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

To understand what human life is all about, we can have a close look at some persuasive exemplars- Malala Yousufzai, Jhamak Ghimire, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Nick Vujicic, Stephen Hawking, Helen Keller, and Louis Braille, Dr. Danduk Ruit and so on. These names have something in common and that is they stood firm against all odds and conquered their infirmity. Besides, they set examples in such a way that their anecdotes are inspirations to millions of people.

We really want our students to understand the principle of Survival of the Fittest and stay focused, so that they convert their dream into reality with the best effort and become examples for the following generations.

Binod Manger


Darshana School principal@darshana.edu.np

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